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V kurzu naleznete materiály pro předmět s kódem MED05 (Přehled antické řecké literatury). Jedná se o ukázky dochovaných primárních textů řecké literatury z období archaického až helénistického (ca 8. stol. – 30 př. n. l.) a osnovy jednotlivých hodin. Jsou tu rovněž bonusové materiály v podobě odkazů na zajímavé diskusní pořady na internetu, mapek apod. Elektronický kurz jako takový nemá žádné oficiální ukončení, pro informace k ukončení klasického kurzu viz anotace v IS.
- Teacher: Irena Radová
Pokračování kurzu antické mytologie navazuje na mýty o bozích, probrané v podzimním semestru, výkladem lokálních hérójských pověstí. Kurz je členěn převážně geograficky podle místa, v němž byl daný mýtus prezentován a zahrnuje rovněž základní informace o různých typech recepce příslušných mýtů. K náplni kurzu viz anotace k předmětu v ISu.
- Teacher: Irena Radová
Tento kurz je stručným průvodcem řeckým a římským mytickým pantheonem. Je určen všem zájemcům o antickou mytologii. Důraz je přitom kladen na informace získané přímo z antických pramenů. Zde (v elfu) naleznete nahrané přednášky, osnovy k jednotlivým přednáškám, primární antické texty, z nichž čerpáme znalosti o mytologii, odkazy na diskuse k tématu na internetu apod. Elektronický kurz jako takový nemá žádné oficiální ukončení, pro informace k ukončení klasického kurzu viz anotace v IS.
- Teacher: Irena Radová
- Teorie množin jako formální systém a prostředek výstavby matematických disciplín
- Relační a operační struktury na množinách
- Grafy, orientované a neorientované
- Binární operace
- Konkrétní algebraické struktury - grupy, pologrupy, monoidy, svazy
- Fuzzy přístupy
- Statistika a pravěpodobnost
- Formální jazyky
- Teacher: Bohumil Fořt
Elfová podpora kurzu Kvantitativní výzkum (pre obory andragogika a sociálni pedagogika na úPV FF MUNI)
- Teacher: Tomáš Lintner
Profilující/základní kurz vedlejšího studijního plánu navazujícího magisterského studia bohemistiky a studijních plánů učitelského studia. Jeho cílem je podat shrnující a rozšiřující poučení o podstatných aspektech studia českého jazyka a klíčových oblastech jazykovědné bohemistiky. Zvláštní pozornost je věnována tématům akcentovaným výzkumem v ÚČJ FF MU a ve spolupracujících brněnských odděleních ÚJČ AV ČR.
- Teacher: Michaela Boháčová
- Teacher: Pavel Caha
- Teacher: Marie Hanzelková
- Teacher: Milada Hirschová
- Teacher: Zdeňka Hladká
- Teacher: Petr Karlík
- Teacher: Simona Khatebová
- Teacher: Pavel Kosek
- Teacher: Klára Osolsobě
- Teacher: Jarmila Vojtová
- Teacher: Markéta Ziková
- Teacher: Hana Žižková
- Teacher: Hana Žižková
E-learningový doplněk běžné výuky předmětu Kurz správného psaní pro nebohemisty. Kurz si klade za cíl upevnit a dále rozšířit poznatky a vědomosti o současné české kodifikaci a také umožnit studentům získané dovednosti správného psaní samostatně procvičit na různých typech úloh.
- Teacher: Simona Khatebová
- Teacher: Hana Žižková
The aim of the course is to enable students to improve their ability to discuss, present and write about literature in English. The students can expect a more sophisticated and academic version of a "book club".
- Teacher: Eva Juhasová
- Teacher: Jeffrey Alan Vanderziel
- Teacher: Tomáš Pospíšil
- Teacher: Jeffrey Alan Vanderziel
This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the development, history and current state of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer culture in the English-speaking world, in particular in the United States and United Kingdom.
- Teacher: Jeffrey Alan Vanderziel
The intensive course focuses on recognizing, interpreting, and discussing aesthetic intensities found in the selected films by contemporary English, Canadian, and American filmmakers. The selected works, which the filmmakers in question not only directed but also wrote and produced, all in their own way present highly stylized, thematically involved, and vividly expressive aesthetics. The assigned films are chosen for the intensity with which they enfold and envelop their reflection of reality in the genre-defining aesthetic evocation of anxiety. The assigned readings accompanying the films are chosen as thematic supplements, suggesting a connection to the anglophone literary history of aesthetic thematization of aesthetic intensity. The overarching aim of this intensive course is to cultivate the student’s sensitivity to thematic structure and emergent meaning by way of drawing attention to the aesthetic intensity of the imagery which expresses them. The intensive course format will be employed in order to confront the students with aesthetically intense films and to invite and encourage them to react and produce sensible commentary in the shortly following discussion session. This should enhance the student’s ability to comfortably produce sensible commentary in future studies, research, publications, and teaching practice.
- Teacher: Jan Čapek
The objective of this course is to talk about the selected topics of English grammar, namely English word structure, phrases, nouns, adjectives and adverbs as discussed in Biber et al.'s (2002) Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English. The course consists of lectures and seminar groups. While the lecture is theoretical, the seminar sessions are more practical. At the end of the course students will be able to understand the nuances of English grammar and will be able to apply their skills in practice. As a result, they will increase their proficiency in English.
- Teacher: Vladislav Belev
- Teacher: Jakob Heinrich Horsch
- Teacher: Emma Jackovičová
- Teacher: Jana Pelclová
The students will read five 1980s and 90s novels by British women writers, discuss how they approach the lives and concerns of women and interpret how the novels work within the context of contemporary British literature and society.
The course will develop the students´ skills of critical reading, literary analysis and work with secondary literature.
- Teacher: Milada Franková
In this course you can find information about the course content, requirements, reading and quizzes for the course.
- Teacher: Nicola Catherine Fořtová
In this course you can find information about the course content, requirements and reading.
- Teacher: Nicola Catherine Fořtová
This course prepares students for writing their final BA theses. It involves several general sessions focusing on the ways of doing scholarly research and starting writing, and then follows with bi-weekly sessions with a hands-on approach (choosing a topic, choosing a supervisor, how to start research, how to work with and evaluate sources, how to write an outline and bibliography, etc.). At the end of the course, students will present a short BA thesis proposal, consisting of a tentative title, supervisor, topic description, research question, brief outline, and preliminary bibliography of primary and secondary sources.
- Teacher: Martina Horáková
- Teacher: Jana Pelclová
This course is designed for BA students. It offers a comprehensive treatment of semantics for students who have little or no knowledge of semantics. The course provides students with a solid understanding of key concepts in semantics and methods of semantic analysis. The course also aims to encourage an active approach on the part of students toward the subject matter. Students successfully completing the course will be able to identify and explain concepts which are central to the study of communication. They will be able to describe and discuss the semantic structure of lexemes and relationships between them. They will also have an enhanced knowledge of the semantic structure of sentences. The course will enable students to proceed to more specialized aspects of semantic analysis.
- Teacher: Naděžda Kudrnáčová
This is a two-semester course designed to give students a grounding in the theoretical bases underlying the study of literature and culture. The first semester takes a diachronic approach, looking at the main critical schools and texts in the history of literary criticism and focusing on developments in literary theory in the twentieth century. The second semester employs a synchronic technique to examine the range of current theoretical approaches to the study of culture. In both semesters the stress is on the application of theory, with students being required to examine particular texts (of all kinds, including visual and film texts) in the light of the theoretical approaches under consideration.
- Teacher: Milada Franková
- Teacher: Stephen Paul Hardy
- Teacher: Michael Matthew Kaylor
- Teacher: Jeffrey Alan Vanderziel
The course prepares students for writing their final MA theses. It takes the form of an electronic course. The students work independently in the course, studying the methodology of research, the principles of academic writing, and the formal aspects of writing a thesis. They are asked to submit assignments in an electronic form and to take a short test on plagiarism. The assignments represent preparatory steps to writing the final thesis (delimitation of the topic, compiling working bibliography, collecting material, etc.).
- Teacher: Filip Krajník
- Teacher: Jana Pelclová
The course is designed as a linguistic seminar in which students learn about the genre of fairy tales from multidisciplinary perspectives. The main interest is in the linguistic analysis and students are asked to analyze several stories from the point of view of linguistic stylistics, pragmatics, social semiotics and discourse analysis. Since the course works with a literary genre, literary studies are also taken into consideration. Students learn about the history of the genre and the theories of narratology, esp. narrative structures and focalization. Besides, texts are also analyzed from the point of view of gender studies, namely the gender stereotypes, the gender boundaries and their violation esp. in modern fairy tales. The teaching method is a discursive analysis of fairy-tale stories, both published and feature movies.
- Teacher: Jana Pelclová
This course introduces students to foundational knowledge in first and second language learning.
- Teacher: Linda Nepivodová
In this course you can find information about the set up and requirements for Reflective Seminar 2 and Teaching Practice 2.
- Teacher: Nicola Catherine Fořtová
- Teacher: Linda Nepivodová
- Teacher: Jitka Sedláčková
In this course you can find information about the set up and requirements for Reflective Seminar 2 and Teaching Practice 2.
- Teacher: Nicola Catherine Fořtová
- Teacher: Linda Nepivodová
- Teacher: Jitka Sedláčková
In this course you can find information about the course content, requirements, reading and quizzes for the course.
- Teacher: Nicola Catherine Fořtová
Within the one-semester lecture course offered as a part of the Master's Diploma in Translation studies programme, students will become familar with the basic topics and issues in theory of translation. Firstly, students will get insights into the main tasks of theory of translation and the connections between translation theory and practice and then they will get knowledge of the maine milestones of history of translation and theory of translation. They will be initiated into the specifics of Czech and Slovak theories of translation (with focus on Levý and Popovič). In the rest of the course they will get a sense of the main trends in – especially contemporary – theory of translation. Since the studies programme has a strong practical focus, the requirements for successful completion of the course will include mastering the content of the course as presented in the lectures plus having read a selection of chapters from the literature recommended by the teacher during the semester. Credits will be granted upon passing a written exam.
- Teacher: Renata Kamenická
Having finished the course in Text and Discourse Analysis, students will understand how the discipline can be useful to to professionals in the translation profession. They will be able to relate important concepts in DA to specific texts and justify their translation decisions based on DA concepts and approaches. They will have hightened their sensitivity to genre, register, cohesion and coherence, implicature and other discursive features in translation.
- Teacher: Renata Kamenická
The course is a practical one. Each student will select a text from
their preferred domain for others to translate, with which they feel
ready to act as an expert, and make the text available for others. The
individual sessions will be based on peer feedback (by students who will
have assigned the texts to be discussed), teacher feedback and a joint
discussion. Students will assess their translation competence with
respect to the domain and to the specific text prior to translation and
after the feedback session.
- Teacher: Renata Kamenická
The course is aiming at achieving the B2 level of English language competence. At the end of this course students should be able to understand the main ideas of relatively complex texts on both concrete and academic/professional topics, including discussions in their field of specialisation. Students should be able to interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. They should be able to produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of academic/professional subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
- Teacher: Eva Juhasová
- understand the main periods of the development of Czech literature;
- see the connection between Czech literature and world literature;
- recognize cannonical works of Czech literature.
- Teacher: Bohumil Fořt
Seminář navazuje na předmět "Teorie, analýzy, interpretace I" a představuje další teoretické přístupy. Součástí seminářů bude kritická analýza teoretických textů a aplikace sledovaných přístupů při interpretaci konkrétních literárních a uměleckých děl.
- Teacher: Zuzana Fonioková
- Teacher: Zuzana Fonioková
- Teacher: Jan Tlustý
Zielgruppe des Kurses sind angehende Deutschlehrer_innen, die sich durch die Teilnahme an diesem Kurs sowohl theoretisch als auch praktisch auf Teilaspekte ihres eigenen Unterrichts vorbereiten können. Der Kurs ist als didaktische Werkstatt konzipiert, in der wir uns auf ausgewählte Aspekte des Deutsch als Fremdsprache-Unterrichts konzentrieren werden: Grammatik, Wortschatz, Aussprache, Phraseologie, typische Fehler tschechischer Sprecher_innen, Einsatz von Korpora im Fremdsprachenunterricht und Digitalisierung.
- Teacher: Ursula Dorothea Riedner
- Teacher: Martina Trombiková
Begleit-E-Learning zum Kurs NJI_33A Lektüre II.
- Teacher: Jan Budňák
Doprovodný e-learning ke kurzům Úvodů do literatury pro nizozemštináře a norštináře.
- Teacher: Jan Budňák
V kursu jsou přiblíženy základy historického vývoje němčiny se zaměřením na potřeby zpracování pramenných materiálů v rámci studia archivnictví a pomocných věd historických.
- Teacher: Vlastimil Brom
In der vorliegenden Veranstaltung werden die wichtigsten Entwicklungstendenzen der deutschen Sprachgeschichte von den indoeuropäischen Grundlagen bis zum Neuhochdeutschen thematisiert.
- Teacher: Vlastimil Brom
- Kurs je zaměřen na představení teoretických východisek včetně výzkumných tradic popisu syntaktické struktury jazyka. Zvýšená pozornost je věnována dependenční gramatice s hlavním zaměřením na gramatický popis němčiny. Valence je představena jakožto prostředek a metoda popisu gramatické struktury. Semináře jsou věnovány syntaktické analýze textů současné němčiny.
- Teacher: Vlastimil Brom